5 Ways to Help Transition Your Family Smoothly Into a New Home

Moving can be a thrilling experience for families — but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Children, especially younger ones, can have difficulty adjusting to a new space, and that is even more true if you are moving to a new town or school district. While it is certainly a big change for everyone, moving to a new home can — and should! — be an exciting adventure full of potential for positive change. To make sure your family stays excited, check out our tips on easing the transition from one home to another.

Start the Conversation Early

Surprises are fun, but in situations like this, it is better to be clear and open from the very beginning with your family. Get their input on the move early on, and that way, you have more time to talk through any issues that might arise during the process. Keep them in the loop about updates on the move, and start to encourage excitement about the new house. You can help your children, for instance, plan how they will decorate their new room, something they are sure to be looking forward to. By communicating often and openly, your move will truly feel like something you can all be excited about.

Involve Your Family in the Moving Process

How the move as a whole goes is largely based on your attitude about it. If you are outwardly stressed and frustrated through every step of the process, your family will reflect that back to you. However, if you can focus on the positive, and share your excitement with your family throughout the move, settling into a new home is sure to be smoother. Try to make sure the process is as collaborative as possible. Allow your kids to accompany you on house showings, or ask for them to weigh in on customizations. After all, it’s their home, too — giving them some say in the matter will make the whole process feel like it is a step you are undertaking as a family.

 Make Room for Closure…

Looking forward to what’s next doesn’t mean ignoring what you are leaving behind. It is completely normal to feel sad about leaving your current home for somewhere new, even if everyone is feeling largely optimistic about the move. Make sure that, as you prepare to begin a new chapter of your life, you give your family the space they need to turn the page on the old one. Find a way to commemorate your previous home, however small. Perhaps this means drafting a goodbye letter to the memories you shared in that home or putting together a craft that you can take with you to the next house. No matter what you do, just be sure you do it as a family.

 …and Make Room for Excitement

On the other hand, make sure you and your family aren’t getting too caught up in mourning your previous home — after all, you’re on to bigger and better things now! See if, in the first few weeks of settling into your new place, you can find a way for the family to commemorate the new house. Maybe you do that by simply turning the process of unpacking into a fun activity for everyone: put on some music and add your personal touches to your new home as a family.

 Explore the New Neighborhood

One of the most exciting parts of a new home is having a whole new world to explore beyond your doorstep. Ahead of the move, scout out the surrounding area and note any places you and your family might be excited to try. Then, once you have arrived at the new home, you have a list of things to look forward to, even among all the stress of settling into a new space. Plus, it’s always fun to introduce yourself to new neighbors. Within the first week or so, bring the whole family out on a stroll through your new neighborhood and start to get to know some of your new community. Exploring the area beyond the house itself will help everyone get familiar with the new circumstances, and will ultimately make the transition process much more smooth.

Designed with Your Family in Mind

At Lafferty Communities, our primary goal is always to create a space where your family can settle comfortably in the home you always dreamed of. Discover your Lafferty home today, and start planning the next exciting step in your family’s journey.